Spotlight #10
Klein Berkenrode: Door Brand Geruineerd en Herbouwd
Ten Slotte IN 1982 Gesloopt - In het huis Berkenrode, het voormalige Westerduin in Heemstede, woonden de eerste bewoners van het geslacht van Wickevoort Crommelin: Mr.Jan Pieter en zijn echtgenote Catharina van Lennep, in de familiegeschiedenis bekend als het paar ‘APPIE en AMPIE’. Hun zoon Mr.Aarnoud….
Regents of the St. Elisabeth Gasthuis, Haarlem in 1740
Elizabeth Crommelin (nee Stalpert van der Wiele (1698-1768) was married to Hendrik Crommelin (1694-1754), mayor of Haarlem. She and Maria van Styrum (in yellow) had connections to the Crommelin family. In 1740 they were among the directors of a home for old folks in Haarlem.
Vancouver, B.C.Gaoler's Mews, Gastown
Vancouver, B.C.In the mid-1800's the city of Vancouver started around a boisterous logging community on Burrard Inlet called 'Gastown'. Few vestiges remain of the city's early beginnings, but a nice little mews hidden away in the center of the city still reminds us of days gone by.
Isaac Mathieu CrommelinVoyage To The Moon!
Isaac Mathieu Crommelin's amazing voyage to the moon in 1809. Our own family kinsman beat Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the moon by 160 years but many people still don't believe this really happened. (Many people also don't believe that Neil and Buzz made the trip in Apollo 11...)