Spotlight #14

Daniel Crommelin

"The Huguenot"

Setting the Stage

(Slides) / (Video)

Saint Quentin

Daniel Crommelin is an ancestor to whom many family members today are related. Miff Crommelin has begun a fanciful account of his life and times combining true historical elements with pure fantasy. The first few chapters are presented here for your amusement.

Chapter 1:
The Way of Exiles

(Text) / (Slides) / (Video)


The story opens on Daniel's wedding day, 28 October, 1674, as he rides his cart along the 'Way of Exiles' from St. Quentin, France, to a Protestant Temple located in the outlying village of LeHaucourt for his marriage to Anne Testart.

Chapter 2:
The Wedding and Sermon / (Video)


Daniel and Anne Testart are married by pastor Samuel Mettayer in the Protestant temple at LeHaucourt. The pastor's sermon causes Daniel to reflect on the meaning of life.

Chapter 3:
The Reception / (Video)


A little post-wedding reception at LeHaucourt temple brings forth some surprising gifts, surprising visitors, and surprising announcements.

Chapter 4:
The Party / (Video)

Saint Quentin

A lavish wedding party at Pierre Testart's mansion in St. Quentin attracts a host of wealthy relatives, each of whom has worries and concerns that are either political, religious, business, or family-related.

Chapter 5:
The Departure

Saint Quentin

All the wedding guests return to their homes in different places in France, but not before convening a meeting of the principal shareholders of the Crommelin Linen Works and discussing the future well-being of their family-owned enterprise.

Chapter 6:
The Revelation


Back in Paris, Daniel meets with Pierre Cadelan and his staff to say farewell but ends up being offered a part-time job with Rondeau Bank while also attempting to set up the new Crommelin Bros. Bank of Paris with his brother, Jacob.
Daniel gains new insights into the Cadelan operations and later meets with an intense Christian couple from La Rochelle who happen to be childless.

Chapter 7:
Along the Seine


While fishing along the Seine River with his little cousin, Jean Rondeau, son of the late founder of the Rondeau Bank, Daniel wonders about the sinister personnel associated with Pierre Cadelan, and the roles they actually play in his sideline operations.

Chapter 8:
Strange Transportation

Saint Quentin

A road accident during a business trip to Saint Quentin on behalf of Pierre Cadelan's perfume business brings Daniel unexpectedly into close contact with some friends and family.

Chapter 9:
Trip to Charenton

Reference1 / Reference2 (Videos)

A leisurely fishing trip upstream from Paris to Charenton with his little cousin, Jean Rondeau, leads to a disturbing revelation.

Chapter 10:
The Good Calvolic


The bachelor, Adrian Crommelin from Saint Quentin, comes to Paris to see if Marie Le Maistre might make a suitable wife. Match-maker Anne Testart hatches a plan to have him 'accidentally' meet Marie at Charenton Temple. Meanwhile a Catholic spy sent to report on the pastor's 'religiously incorrect' sermon is engaged in a tavern by Daniel and Hans Hardy, a friend and staunch Calvinist.

Chapter 11:
Collecting For Cadelan


While on a bill-collecting mission to England for Pierre Cadelan, Daniel runs into Rosemarie Pierrot, society editor for the St. Quentin Gazette, who is following up leads on the whereabouts of Madame de Brinvilliers. Their paths accidentally cross again at Marylebone, London with some unusual developments.

Chapter 12:
Unusual Encounters


Jean de la Chambre, a relative living in London, helps Daniel return to Dover via Maidstone, accompanied by a refined Huguenot lady in distress. Daniel encounters a Vicar, a castle-keeper, a philosopher, and a sandwich girl.

Chapter 13:
The Return from London

Rouen, St. Quentin, Paris

On his way home to Paris, Daniel visits his sister in Rouen. He then goes to St. Quentin where he hears news that causes him to hurry back to Paris in the company of Pierre Testart's housemaid.

Chapter 14:

Paris, Maidstone, Dover

Charles is born to Daniel Crommelin and Anne Testart in Paris, much to the envy of the childless couple, Hans and Arlette Hardy.

Chapter 15:
Everyman - (Intro)

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 (Videos)

St. Quentin

Marie Testart and Samuel Mettayer appeal to the Mayor of St. Quentin and the Bishop of Noyon for permission to present a morality play called 'Everyman' in the town square using family members as actors during some forthcoming family gathering.

The Pilgrim: - Bud Phillips
Looking Back on Life: - Bud Phillips
Being Someone Else - Bud Phillips