St. Baafs Cathedral, Ghent
I was visiting Ghent last week searching for namesakes! I dropped into the
City Archives to check what they had on file there concerning our family
name. I found this:
* I found in the crypt of the St. Baafs cathedral a leaded window with the
Crest of the Crommelin family (ref. pictures). I have no further information
on this. Actually, I was looking in this crypt for a tombstone of a
Crommelinck (who - according to the church registers - was buried in the
cathedral around 1720), but I never found the tomb or stone.
** In the City Archives I found several letters (in French) addresses to a
weaver in Ghent. Many of these letters came from St. Quentin and were signed
by Pierre Samuel Crommelin, resp. Henry Samuel Crommelin. Some letters
originated from Amsterdam, signed by Louis Crommelin. Reading one of the
letters I understood Louis to mention he was the brother of Henry! All
letters were dated around 1694 and very neatly written. It may be important
to note that one of those letters contained an undamaged seal, where the
family crest was clearly visible.
*** Still in the City Archives I found the name Crommelinck associated with
the following documents:
- Inventory statement ca. 1663 of Jacques Crommelinck (with traces to
- Sales act dated ca. 1708 of a certain Joannes Crommelinck
- Official bankruptcy report, dated 1709 of Joannes Crommelinck
Limited time allowed me to scan the documents only very superficially, but
at a next opportunity I will further investigate these 3 points. And I will
try to make copies for you. Does any of this mean anything to you? Let me
With kind regards,
Wilfried Crommelinck
September 20, 2004