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Crommelin Crater - The Moon

An obscure ancient crater at the southern tip of the far (non-visible) side of the moon.
Crommelin is so old that it is no longer well-defined.
It has been impacted by several more recent craters known as Crommelin C, Crommelin W, Crommelin X.



The "Far" (non-visible) side of the Moon

Pictures gleaned from the (free) Virtual Moon Atlas - VMA"Pro" version 3.5 - an amazing program!

Crommelin (Lunar Crater)

Crater characteristics:
Coordinates 68.1° S, 146.9° W
Diameter 94 km
Depth Unknown
Colongitude 152° at sunrise
Eponym A. C. D. Crommelin

Crommelin is an ancient lunar crater that is located in the vicinity of the south pole of the Moon, on the far side. It lies to the north of the large Zeeman crater, and to the east-northeast of Numerov crater.

This formation has been almost completely worn away by subsequent impacts, leaving little more than a crater-riddled depression in the surface. There is an equally-worn crater lying across the northern rim, and 'Crommelin X' is attached to the outward-bulging northwest perimeter. The largest of the craterlets within the interior form a pair near the southern rim. There is a slight central peak, consisting of little more than a low rise in the surface.

Satellite craters:
By convention these features are identified on Lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater mid-point that is closest to Crommelin crater.

Latitude Longitude Diameter:

Crommelin:  68.1° S 146.9° W  94 km 
         :C 66.4° S 144.8° W  44 km 
         :W 66.0° S 152.7° W  24 km 
         :X 66.3° S 150.0° W  26 km

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The irregular Crommelin Crater is at the center of this picture.