Spotlight #11

Crommelin Crater

Crommelin Crater:
Our Man in the Moon!

July 20, 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of Man's First Moon Landing (for those who believe that it really happened)! In this article we look at our family's little bit of real estate on the moon's surface. Crommelin Crater was named after our famous kinsman, Andrew Claude de la Cherois Crommelin who was a notable English astronomer.

Marinus Crommelin

Marinus Crommelin:
Photographer and Businessman

The life and times of Marinus Crommelin, an astute observer of his environment who recorded his impressions through word and photographs while growing up and raising a family in Holland during good times and bad.

Charles Crommelin

The Misadventures of Charles Crommelin
at St. Thomas in the Caribbean

Charles Crommelin is a family patriarch, the first to come to America with his father, Daniel. He tried to advance himself through a copper mining venture in Connecticut but when this failed he looked to European relatives for succour. This led to his involvement with plantations in the Caribbean and slavery which proved equally ruinous during his latter years.

Daniel Crommelin

Amsterdam Family Group Portrait

On page 19-20 of Halve Maen, the October 1967 journal published by the Holland Society of New York, there is an interesting article about Daniel Crommelin, founder of the Daniel Crommelin en Soonen trading company in the 18th Century.